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dynamic ajax dropdown menu not working

i'm trying to make a notification tab work but do not seem to get it right. The dropdown is working fine but the ajax call to newfriends.php is not working right, when viewed with firebug there are no results to be seen in the dropdown.Quite confusing. (note the dropdown menu is located in header and can only be displayed if the session is initialised) here is the ajax used in jquery:

function load_notifications(view=''){
       url: "notification/new_friends.php",
       method: "POST",
       success: function(data){


   // $(".dynamic-notification-f").load("notification/new_friends.php");
$(document).on("click",".count_friend", function(){
//loads every 2 seconds for chat

here is the new_friends.php content:

include '../includes/dbconfig.inc.php';

if (isset($_POST['view'])) {

if($_POST['view'] !=''){
    $update="update friends set count='1' where friend_one=:session and count='0'";
    $stmt->bindValue(":session", $_SESSION['uname']);
$sql123="select id from friends where friend_two=:sess_uname and count='0'";
    $stmt123->bindValue(":sess_uname", $_SESSION['uname']);
    /*$sql_f_count="select *from user where user_id=:session_id and activated='1' limit 1";
    $stmt_f_count->bindValue(":session_id", $_SESSION['id']);
    require "notification/friend_request_notification.php";
// $new_friends="<span class='dropdown'><a href='#' data-placement='bottom' class='btn dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown' title='Friend Requests' data-html='true'><span class='count_friend' style=' height:33px; width:30px;'><span class='badge1 label label-pill'>".$count."</span><img src='img/logo/group-button-white.png' style='height:25px; width:27px;' alt='new_friends_alert'></span></a><ul class='dropdown-menu'></ul></span>";    
    //$new_friends="<a href='#' data-placement='bottom' class='btn' data-trigger='focus' title='Friend Requests' data-toggle='popover' data-html='true' data-content='".$friend_requests."'><span class='count_friend' style=' height:33px; width:30px;'><img src='img/logo/group-button-white.png' style='height:25px; width:27px;' alt='new_friends_alert'></span><span class='badge'>".$friend_badge."</span></a>";
     $new_friends="<a href='all_notifications.php'><img src='img/logo/group-button-black.png' style='height:25px; width:27px;' alt='new_friends_alert'></a>";   
//echo $new_friends;
        'unseen_notification' =>$request_count[0][0]
echo json_encode($data);

and the code for friend requests output:

require_once 'includes/dbconfig.inc.php';
$sql = "select * from friends where friend_two=:session and accepted='0' order by friends_date_made asc";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindparam(":session", $_SESSION['uname']);
$numrows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($numrows < 1) {
    $friend_requests = "You do not have any friend requests";
    echo "$friend_requests";
} else {
    foreach ($numrows as $i=>$row1 ) {
        $reqid = $row1['friend_id'];
        $user1 = $row1['friend_one'];
        $datemade = $row1['friends_date_made'];
        $datemade1 = strftime("%B %d, %y", strtotime($datemade));
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE uname=:user1 LIMIT 1";
        $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindparam(":user1", $user1);
        $thumbrow = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $user1avatar = $thumbrow[$i]['avatar'];

        if ($user1avatar =="") {
            $user1pic = '<img src="img/avatardefault.png" height="50" style="float:left;" width="50" alt="'.$user1.'" class="user_pic">';
        }  else {
         $user1pic = '<img src="../user/user/'.$user1id.'/'.$user1avatar.'" height="50" style="float:left;" width="50" alt="'.$user1.'" class="user_pic">';

        $friend_requests .= '<li><div id="'.$reqid.'" float="right" class="friendrequests">
        <a href="home.php?u='.$user1.'">'. $user1pic .'</a>
                <div class="user_info '.$reqid.'" id="'.$reqid.'"><small>' . $datemade1 . '</small>
                 <a href="home.php?u='.$user1.'">'.$user1.'</a> is requesting your friendship<br /><br />
        <button id="'.$reqid.'" name="'.$_SESSION['uname'].'" sess="'.$_SESSION['id'].'" class="accept_btn btn btn-warning">Accept</button><span class="show-spinner"></span> or
        <button id="'.$reqid.'" name="'.$_SESSION['uname'].'" sess="'.$_SESSION['id'].'" class="reject_btn btn btn-warning">Reject</button>



You currently have data:{view:"view"} . Which means that you are passing string 'view' in the body of your request.

Change it to something like:

function load_notifications(thisview=''){
   var theData = {
      view: thisview
       url: "notification/new_friends.php",
       method: "POST",
       data: theData,
       success: function(data){

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