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AngularJS 1 - How to pass app.js list of values to controller.js

This is regarding Angular JS One, so I created a simple app in my plunkr. What I did? , I created a factory called app.js and a myController.js.

The problem is the Get Method from controller.js, i dont know how to write it properly so it will pass the list of data to the html. Please check on methods getData(app.js)and Get(controller.js). What are the mistakes?

Note : Add and Edit are working fine using these three layers (app->controller->view) that i need.

PS: I tried nothing yet.

Thanks!!! John

Below is my app.js or business


  .when('/home',{templateUrl : 'home.html'})
  .when('/people',{templateUrl : 'people.html'})
  .when('/about',{templateUrl : 'about.html'})
  .when('/contact',{templateUrl : 'contact.html'})



    function getData(){

      return  result;
      alert(error.error + "/" + error.statusCode);


    function insertData(Name,Email,Password,Mobile){

      //update data to database
      var x = "Record added successfuly.";
      return x;

    function updateData(){ 

      //update data to database
      var x = "Record updated successfuly.";
      return x;

    return {
        getData : getData,



Below is my controller.js



  $scope.Add = function(){
    var x = personFactory.insertData($scope.Name,$scope.Email,$scope.Password,$scope.Mobile,$scope.result);
    $scope.Message = x;
    return $scope.Message;

  $scope.Edit = function(){
    var x = personFactory.updateData();
    $scope.Message = x;
  return $scope.Message;

   $scope.Get = function(){
    var x = personFactory.getData();
    $scope.PeopleList = x;
    return $scope.PeopleList;


Below is my view


  <script src="app.js"></script>

    <table ng-controller='myController'>
        <th>Purchased on</th>
      <tr ng-repeat="values in PeopleList">

The factory needs to return a JS Object that encapsulate all the functionalities, like this

   // Data factory
   app.factory("Data", function () {
      return {
         add: function () {
            // add logic here
         get: function () {
            // get logic here

I guess you're having a little problem on the $http.get('iphone.json') within the factory. Maybe you should try to use a callback to handle that, like this:

app.js :

function getData(callback) {
        alert(error.error + "/" + error.statusCode);

controller.js :

$scope.Get = function(){
    personFactory.getData(function(result) {
        $scope.PeopleList = result;

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