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How React Redux component can subscribe on state change

I have some "ChangeMainItem" Action (in my case it is dispatched by external system or possibly one of components). This action (eg {type:Change_Main_Item, itemId:5} ) updates only one property of state in reducer (eg mainItemId ).

My Component A and B needs to react on this state change: show loading indicator, fetch additional data and show results. Sequential actions can be done via some async action library - but where should I place dispatching async action? Obviously, i can't dispatch async action in reducer of Component A and B, neither i want to change original Action to async so it can make any necessary requests for my components.

What is the right way to achieve this?

I suggest using sagas to listen to your defined actions and manage your async calls/actions from there. Redux-saga is awesome.

import { put, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import {Change_Main_Item, ANOTHER_ACTION, THIRD_ACTION} from '../actions'

function* doSomething() {
      yield put({type: "ANOTHER_ACTION", payload: data});

function* doAnotherThing() {
      yield put({type: "THIRD_ACTION", payload: data});

function* mySaga() {
  yield takeEvery("Change_Main_Item", [doSomething, doAnotherThing]);

Please see https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga

Well, you have multiple approaches to such a question.

You can use a redux-thunk so you can dispatch multiple actions and have your state react to all such dispatches. Thunk middleware is useful when you need to perform async actions.


function changeMainItem(id) {
  return (dispatch, getState) {
    dispatch(requestChangeMainItem); //This tells the state that it's loading some ajax; you presumably want to add some boolean, indicating a loading icon.
    return makeSomeRequest(id)
      .then(data => {
        dispatch(changeMainItem(data.id)) //presumably, this is where you update your item
        // perhaps dispatch another function to do more stuff.

You then will need to figure out which components need to be subscribed/connected to certain properties in your state.

Read about async action , redux-thunks , and this article on how to connect your components to your state

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