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How to get The position of a sprite automatically in Unity 2D

I'm really new to unity and I'm trying to do a card game , And i get faced with the problem of coordinates . I'm trying to get the position of a the touch and make the sprite move for a specific position in the screen . Here is the my workaround script in c#:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CardMovement : MonoBehaviour {

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
    Rect recta = new Rect (-4.71f,-3.98f,4.52f,6.8f);

    Touch To = new Touch ();

    Camera C = GetComponent<Camera>();

    Vector3 p = new Vector3 ();

    p = C.ScreenToWorldPoint (To.position);

    if (recta.Contains(p)== true){




The problem is that i can't get it to move to that specific position .is it because of the coordinates that aren't matching ? and is there a way to get the coordinates of the sprite directly without typing them ?thanks for help ;)

If what you want to do is detect the position where the user is tapping against a surface/zone, this object must have a collider and you should use a Raycast to detect where is the collision.

Moving an Agent to a Position Clicked by the Mouse

In this example they use the navmesh from unity but you don't have to, the information you are looking for is in hit.point

I managed to move the card to the position I wanted ( not exactly ) And used another code that i built myself , your proposition I didn't use because I didn't understand or i guess it's using 3D script ( If i'm wrong please correct me ) so here is the updated version of my code :

 using UnityEngine;
 using System.Collections;

public class CardMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public RectTransform rectangle;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

    rectangle = GetComponent<RectTransform> ();


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

    if (rectangle.rect.Contains (Input.GetTouch (0).deltaPosition)){

        Vector2 V = new Vector2 (0.125f, 0.125f);

        transform.position = V;



Now the main problems that i face :

  • the (0.125,0.125) that i used for the 2D vector gave me a place in the middle of the screen while it should be as i think for (0.5,0.5) vector (the last vector gave me a position of the card outside the screen ) .
  • When I used Camera.ScreenToWorldpoint or Camera.ScreenToViewportpoint the card didn't respond to the touch ( i guess it a problem of coordinates )

NOW THE MAIN QUESTION : WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE COORDINATES : World coordinates , screen coordinates and view port coordinates . I didn't find an explanation in the unity manual .

Thanks for help :) .

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