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PHP - Format seconds as hours and minutes with minimum

I'm trying to figure out how to format a variable holding the number of seconds into a string that would say the time in human readable format, but round the minutes to the next 15.


$seconds = 4320; //
echo $convertAndRoundTime($seconds);
// would result in
//0 days, 1 hour and 15 minutes
// rather than 
//0 days, 1 hour and 12 minutes

I can get it to work with the exact time, such as 12 minutes using the following code (found here ).

function secondsToTime($seconds) {
    $dtF = new \DateTime('@0');
    $dtT = new \DateTime("@$seconds");
    return $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a days, %h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds');

But how can I round the minutes up to the next 15. So if it's 8 minutes, round to 15, if it's 18 minutes round to 30, etc.


I think I got it...

$seconds = "4320";

        $seconds = round($seconds);
        if (gmdate("i",$seconds) % 15 != 0) $seconds = round($seconds / (15 * 60)) * (15 * 60);

        $dtF = new \DateTime('@0');
        $dtT = new \DateTime("@$seconds");      
        $days = $dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%a') * 3; // calculate days as 8 hour work days       

        echo $days.' days, '.$dtF->diff($dtT)->format('%h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds');

Just divide the $seconds by 900 (15 * 60) round the result up, multiply it back by 900 and assign it to $seconds . Then format it like you need. eg:

$seconds = 4320;
$seconds = ceil($seconds / 900) * 900;

Using the method concept of @Girish and the rounding idea of @abcdn, I created the next code which makes it

class MyTimeFormatter
    const DAY_SECONDS    = 86400; // 60*60*24;
    const HOUR_SECONDS   = 3600; // 60*60;
    const MINUTE_SECONDS = 60; // 60;

    public static function format($timestamp, $isQuarterMinutes = true)
        $days = self::getTimeInDays($timestamp);

        $timestamp -= $days * self::DAY_SECONDS;
        $hours = self::getTimeInHours($timestamp);

        $timestamp -= $hours * self::HOUR_SECONDS;
        $minutes = self::getTimeInMinutes($timestamp);

        $timestamp -= $minutes * self::MINUTE_SECONDS;
        $seconds = $timestamp;

        if ($isQuarterMinutes) {
            $minutes = self::_getMinutesInQuarter($minutes);

        return sprintf(
            '%d day(s), %d hour(s), %d minute(s) and %d seconds',
            $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds

    public static function getTimeInDays($timestamp)
        return (int)($timestamp/self::DAY_SECONDS);

    public static function getTimeInHours($timestamp)
        return (int)($timestamp/self::HOUR_SECONDS);

    public static function getTimeInMinutes($timestamp)
        return (int)($timestamp/self::MINUTE_SECONDS);

    private static function _getMinutesInQuarter($minutes)
        return ceil($minutes/15) * 15;

So if you call

$seconds = 4322;
echo MyTimeFormatter::format($seconds), "\n";
echo MyTimeFormatter::format($seconds, false), "\n";

It prints

0 day(s), 1 hour(s), 15 minute(s) and 2 seconds
0 day(s), 1 hour(s), 12 minute(s) and 2 seconds

Here is the answer:


    $seconds = 93816;

    echo getDaysTime($seconds);

    function getDaysTime($seconds) {

        $noOfDays = intval($seconds/86400);

        $remainingSeconds = $seconds%86400;

        return $noOfDays . ' day(s), ' . getHoursTime($remainingSeconds);

    function getHoursTime($seconds) {

        $noOfHours = intval($seconds/3600);

        $remainingSeconds = $seconds%3600;

        return $noOfHours . ' hour(s), ' . getMinutesTime($remainingSeconds);

    function getMinutesTime($seconds) {

        $noOfMinutes = intval($seconds/60);

        $remainingSeconds = $seconds%60;

        return $noOfMinutes . ' minute(s), ' . getSecondsTime($remainingSeconds);

    function getSecondsTime($seconds) {
        return $seconds . ' second(s), ';


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