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How to get refreshed datagrid realtime on C#?

How to get selected automatically on grid? I created timer but timer doesn't save grid selection. For example when I select grid's 3rd index then 5 second later it select 1st grid index. So I need other solution here.

private void formList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();       
     DataTable _dt =_myFunction.Select_New_Inserted_Info(_lDataParameter).Tables[0];

     bs.DataSource = _dt;
     gridControl1.DataSource = bs;

     timer1.Interval = 5000;
 private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
      BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();       
         DataTable _dt =_myFunction.Select_New_Inserted_Info(_lDataParameter).Tables[0];

         bs.DataSource = _dt;
         gridControl1.DataSource = bs; 
  • If you need the dataGrid (and other binded controls) to automatically select the active Binding source's record use: bs.Current;
  • If you want to populate the data every x of time, put your code inside a System.Windows.Forms.Timer 's ' Tick ' event.


The selection pointer is handled by BindingSource. so, you have to put the BindingSource outside the function Your code will look like this:

        BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();

        private DataTable GetDataTable()
           //Please consider checking the populating data function from errors, or post your code to help you with. 
            DataTable dt =_myFunction.Select_New_Inserted_Info(_lDataParameter).Tables[0];

            return dt;

        private void formList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable _dt = GetDataTable();

            bs.DataSource = _dt;
            gridControl1.DataSource = bs;

            timer1.Interval = 5000;

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable _dt = GetDataTable();

            bs.DataSource = _dt;
            gridControl1.DataSource = bs;

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