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Joomla where to set session which i can get in every component

I have tried to set session variable in template index.php file and it's working fine and getting that session variable every where.

$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('CountryCode', 'in');

but there is problem when i open article using direct url in browser then first time i am getting session variable blank, but i refresh same page then i get session variable perfectly.

so, can you help me in which file i set session variable so that i get in each and every component of site, and also when i load page first time.

The template rendering happens after the component execution.

You can try to create a system plugin which is executed before the component.

This link contains the available events where you can hook in. https://docs.joomla.org/Plugin/Events/System#onAfterInitialise

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