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How to add a click event or mouseover on dynamic elements ( enter/update/exit )?

based on this example: Need another help to show up text on the screen dynamically

it is possible to let elements (for example a text) in D3.js appear and disappear with the help of the enter/update/exit rule.

 var texts = svg.selectAll(".texts")

    textsExit = texts.exit().remove();

    textsEnter = texts.enter()
        .attr("class", "texts");

    textsUpdate = texts.merge(textsEnter).attr("x", 10)
        .attr("y", (d, i) => 20 + i * 16)
        .text((d,i) => "Node " + (i+1) + ", name: " + d.name);

Now i want to add a click event or a mouseover on the appearing text elements. So i tried to add a mouseover first and changed the textsUpdate part into:

     textsUpdate = texts.merge(textsEnter).attr("x", 10)
     .attr("y", (d, i) => 20 + i * 16)
      .text((d,i) => "Node " + (i+1) + ", name: " + d.name)
  .on("mouseover", function(d){ this.style.fill == "blue"});

The goal is that everytime when i move the mouse over the newly appereared elements, then they should turn blue. Unfortunally this did not worked well. Can someone help and give me a hint about the missing thing?


You are stopping your access to textUpdate after you access .text(...) and before you access with .on(...). There is an extra semicolon before .on.

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