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With Xcode how can I export and share an app with a team member in the simulator?

So I have a teammate/client I need to share an app I'm developing. They have android and a Mac Desktop so it would be shared through the Simulator only.

I've tried the archive app and there seems to be no way to get this work with the .ipa file which is generated.

Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?

Share the source code, then run the app in Xcode. Voila, it is now in the Simulator. They have to install Xcode anyway to get the Simulator so there really isn't any extra work involved other than building the app.

The .ipa is built for iOS devices and cannot run in the Simulator. I suppose you could transfer the binary to another simulator and get it to work, but I have not heard of anyone doing it that way and, frankly, it seems like potentially more work than "clone this git repo, load the project/workspace in Xcode, click the triangle button and wait a bit."

All you can do is you can just generate the .app file. But how you can run it on a simulator (applies only if Xcode 8.2 or above isn't installed), I really don't have the idea. If you want to have your .app generated, follow this:

  1. Connect any iPhone with your mac
  2. Open your project in Xcode
  3. Wait for the setup (processing symbol files, blah, blah) to be completed
  4. Run your project in that iPhone once
  5. Now just build your project while the iPhone is connected
  6. Search for the Product group (or, folder) and expand it
  7. You will see a file (maybe more) named as your target (project name)
  8. Right click on that file and select show in finder . And voila, you have your .app file

What generates the .app

You will need to have previously built the app for the intended target. The "Product" option in the top menu bar includes a couple of ways to trigger this including: "Build for" of "Destination".

Where is the .app?

The yourApp.app you are looking for is stored in: <<YOURUSERHOME>>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<<YOURAPPNAME-UID>>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator

Easier way to locate

  1. Open you app in XCODE
  2. Browse the file tree in the left sidebar
  3. Expand the "Products" directory
  4. Right click the .app file you want to share, and select "Show In Finder"

What you are trying to do is not going to work. You can not share the .ipa file for someone else to install it on an iPhone simulator.

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