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Writing for nested for loop where statements have multiple conditions in R

I am trying to determine field goal percentage of shots based off of certain areas of a basketball court, including the restricted area, the paint (excl the restricted area), all other 2 pointers, corner 3's, and all other 3's.

What I have are the x,y coordinates of the outcome (make or miss) or each shot. What I tried to do is write a for loop to take in the rows and row information, and check to see if multiple conditions are met using nested ifelse statements.

for (i in cs){shotarea[i] <- ifelse(x[i] >= -125 & x[i] <= 125 & y[i] < x[i]*tan(acos(x[i]/125)),1,
                  ifelse(x[i] => -125 & x[i] <= 125 & y[i] < 460 & y[i] > 460-x[i]*tan(acos(x[i]/125)),2,
                  ifelse(x[i] >= -245 & x[i] < -125 & y[i] < 460,2,
                  ifelse(x[i] <= 245 & x[i] > 125 & y[i] < 460,2,
                  ifelse(x[i] >= -660 & x[i] < -245 & y[i] < x[i]*tan(acos(x[i]/675)),3,
                  ifelse(x[i] > -245 & x[i] < 245 & y[i] < x[i]*tan(acos(x[i]/675)) & y > 460,3,
                  ifelse(x[i] > 245 & x[i] <= 660 & y[i] < x[i]*tan(acos(x[i]/675)),3,
                  ifelse(x[i] > -750 & x[i] < -660 & y[i] < x[i]*tan(acos(660/675)),4,
                  ifelse(x[i] < 750 & x[i] > 660 & y[i] < x[i]*tan(acos(660/675)),4,
                  ifelse(x[i] > -750 & x[i] < -660 & y[i] > x[i]*tan(acos(660/675)),5,
                  ifelse(x[i] < 750 & x[i] > 660 & y[i] > x[i]*tan(acos(660/675)),5,
                  ifelse(x[i] > -660 & x[i] < 660 & y[i] > x[i]*tan(acos(x[i]/675)),5,6))))))))))))}

I bounded all the areas on the court by geometric functions:
Restricted Area = x(-125,125), y(inf, x tan acos(x/125))

Paint, excluding restricted area = (x(-245,-125)U(125,245), y(inf, 460)) and (x(-125,125),y(x tan acos(x/125),460))

All other 2's = (x(-660,-245)U(245,660),y(inf, x[i] tan acos(x[i]/675)) and (x(-245,245),y(460,x[i] tan acos(x[i]/675))

Corner 3's = x(-750,-660)U(660,750),y(inf,x[i] tan acos(660/675)

All other 3's = (x(-750,-660)U)(660,750),y(x[i] tan acos(660/675),inf)) and (x(-660,660),y(x[i] tan acos(x[i]/675),inf)

The x values range from (-750,750) and y values from (-87,972), where (0,0) is the center of the basket, the x values range from sideline to sideline. I have a couple subsets of the data that I run this through depending on the range of x values. I run a subset where x ranges (-125,125), one where it runs (-675,-125)U(125,675), and another where its (-750,-675)U(675,750). (I did this to prevent the arccos() expressions from returning NANs as a precaution, but I don't think I actually needed to). You will also notice I used a vector for the range of i, just so I could sub out the different subsets I made. Not sure if this is the problem.

Whenever I try to run it, I get

Error: unexpected ')' in:"ifelse((x[i] < 750 && x[i] > 660 && y[i] > x[i]*tan*acos(660/675)),5,
                  ifelse((x[i] > -660 && x[i] < 660 && y[i] > x[i]*tan*acos(x[i]/675)),5,6)))))))))))", > }Error: unexpected '}' in "}"

I double checked and triple checked to make sure I didn't throw in a redundant parenthesis or bracket, but I can't find one. So I guess what I'm asking for is one of two things:

Is there some other problem with the code that might be creating this error?


Would you recommend something better? I'm sure there must be some "apply" way to do it, but I'm very iffy at apply and wouldn't know where to start.

EDIT: For sample data, you could use x <- runif(3580,min=-749,max=749); y <- runif(3580,min=-86,max=971)

EDIT: I went through and made sure the tan() functions had parenthesis, but otherwise removed what I hope are redundant parethenses

You can do this much more simply by using dplyr and the case_when function. This approach accomplishes two things. First, it eliminates the for loop and thus reduces evaluation time. Second it doesn't use all of the ifelse statements.

x <- runif(3580,min=-749,max=749); y <- runif(3580,min=-86,max=971)
df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
df1 <- df %>%
  mutate(shotarea = case_when(.$x >= -125 & .$x <= 125 & .$y < .$x*tan(acos(.$x/125)) ~ "restricted",
                              .$x >= -125 & .$x <= 125 & .$y < 460 & .$y > 460-.$x*tan(acos(.$x/125)) ~ "paint",
                              ((.$x >= -245 & .$x < -125) | (.$x > 125 & .$x <= 245)) & .$y < 460 ~ "paint",
                              .$x > -245 & .$x < 245 & .$y < .$x*tan(acos(.$x/675)) & .$y > 460 ~ "other 2",
                              ((.$x >= -660 & .$x < -245) | (.$x > 245 & .$x <= 660)) & .$y < .$x*tan(acos(.$x/675)) ~ "other 2",
                              ((.$x >= -750 & .$x < -660) | (.$x > 660 & .$x <= 750)) & .$y < .$x*tan(acos(660/675)) ~ "corner 3",
                              ((.$x >= -750 & .$x < -660) | (.$x > 660 & .$x <= 750)) & .$y > .$x*tan(acos(660/675)) ~ "other 3",
                              .$x > -660 & .$x < 660 & .$y > .$x*tan(acos(.$x/675)) ~ "other 3",
                              TRUE ~ "other"))

Your output would then be:

> head(df1)
           x         y shotarea
1 -719.26311 733.67983  other 3
2  294.60845 574.06028  other 2
3  423.09931  62.15332  other 2
4  597.60403 960.28765  other 3
5 -592.23907 486.24250  other 3
6   33.58853 411.12968    paint

Now, I used the actual names rather than the 1-6 numbering system, because I think that makes data visualization and explanation a lot easier for other people as well as future you. But you can easily change it back to the 1-6 system with this set up (with 6 being the "other")

Okay so I found my problem, and it is awfully silly.

In the 2nd ifelse() statement, there was the condition x[i] => -125 in which the syntax for the operator was switched, should be x[i] >= -125. The leading = messed up how everything was read, which made R think the following parenthesis and bracket were unexpected. Flipping the two back fixed the problem.

Though, I appreciate any other response giving me ideas that look cleaner. I know a big nested ifelse() statement with lots of & conditional statements within doesn't look pretty at all, and they get annoying to write. I would definitely use tbradley's dplyr solution instead.

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