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Github Jenkins webhook security problems

I've been using Github Jenkins webhook for a while with no problem. I have my Jenkins running behind a Nginx proxy and the only security installed was the nginx htpasswd. So my Github webhook looked like this:


Being user and pass the credentials from htpasswd file.

Right now I'm trying to add users to my Jenkins and I activated matrix based security to it with the option to register and login to Jenkins. The server works perfect initially asking for nginx credentials and jenkins login second.

I created a github user in Jenkins and I generated a token for him. Now I changed my Github webhook to use the new Jenkins github user credentials:


As long as I know this should work. But it does not. I think that the problem here is having the two security systems activated (nginx htpasswd and jenkins login). But I want both.

Do I have to use the two credentials in my webhook? How can I do that?

When I use nginx credential Github receives this response from jenkins when webhook is triggered:

Authentication required You are authenticated as: anonymous Groups that you are in: Permission you need to have (but didn't): hudson.model.Hudson.Read ... which is implied by: hudson.security.Permission.GenericRead ... which is implied by: hudson.model.Hudson.Administer

And when I use jenkins credential Github receives this response from jenkins when webhook is triggered:

401 Authorization Required

401 Authorization Required


You can disable basic auth in you nginx.conf for one url:

location /github-webhook/ {
  auth_basic            "off";

location / {
  auth_basic            "Restricted";
  auth_basic_user_file  /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;

Finally I decided to shut down the Nginx Http based security and rely only on the jenkins security. Now my jenkins server is visible from anywhere. I changed the format of the Github jenkins webhook in order to use the Jenkins token root plugin: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Token+Root+Plugin

I didn't find a way to use both authentication methods. The idea was to ask for an extra pass (http based) If someone tried to access from outside the office.

That's all.

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