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How can I retrieve information from one collection into another collection in mongoose?

I have a student collection when I want to report on a particular student with
studentId the report must be stored in report collection along with studentId and what report I gave.I want to use individual collections
here is student schema

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

// create a schema

 var studentSchema = new Schema({
        name: {
            type: String,
            required: true
        dateofbirth: {
            type: Date,
            required: true
    type: Number,

    }, {
        timestamps: true

and here is report schema

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var reportSchema = new Schema({
    date: {
    timestamps: true

var Report = mongoose.model('report', reportSchema);
 module.exports = Report;

So how can I retrive studenId from student collection ?And how can I give report to a particular student?

    var mongoose = require('mongoose');
    var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
     var studentSchema = new Schema({
           name:         {type: String, required: true},
           dateofbirth:  {type: Date, required: true},
           schoolname:   {type:String, required:true},
           standard:     {type: Number, required:true},   
            timestamps:   true
   var reportSchema = new Schema({
       date: {type:Date,required:true},
        comment: {type:String,required:true}
          timestamps: true,
           student_id: [{type: String, ref:'student',required: true}]   //store your student{_id} relation here ref ==> is just a Collection name
 mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/your_db_name_here', {
  // using mongoose client to avoid promises exception
  useMongoClient: true,

    //just making your collection available to next controller.js file
     module.exports= {
       student : mongoose.model('student',studentSchema ),
       report: mongoose.model('report', reportSchema)

controller.js I have been using express.js for your case

    var db = require("./db.js");
     var app = require("express")();
     app.post("/api/student/register", (req, res) => {
         var dbdata = {
              name: req.body.name,
         db.student.create(dbdata, (er, callback) => {
             if(er)return res.json("error");
                       return res.json("successfully inserted");

         app.post("/api/student/report/create", (req, res) => {
             //while creating a report you have to pass a Student primary key
            var dbdata = {
                    date: req.body.data;
                     comment: req.body.comment,
                     student_id: req.body.student_id 
      // similar to foreign key relation ship}
               db.report.create(dbdata, function(er, callback){
            if(er)return res.json("err");
          return res.json("successfully inserted");



your answer here

app.post("/particular/student/report", function(req, res){
  db.report.find({student_id:"your student id here"}).populate('student_id').exec(function(err, data){
    if(err)return res.json("db exception");
    return res.json(data);  //you will get all your student report for the particular student

here is mongoose populate official docs still if you have some other basic thing about mongoose or mean stack means kinldy refer to https://github.com/Muthukumars1994/Meanapp

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