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Sharepoint Online - Lookup field - Client side rendering

Essentially we are looking to use lookup values in a calculated column from another list called episodes in a list called workbook.

We could run scheduled list workflows using this -


Or getting someone to write a timer job.

I didn't really like these solutions and wanted something more dynamic then found this:


Great Little hackaround by Danny. But struggled with re-purposing the code to see if i could get it show a lookup value from the list called episode.

Dannys code:

=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode,"
    &"    item=ctx.ListData.Row[TR.rowIndex-1],"
    &"    discount=item.Vendor_x003a_Discount,"
    &"    price=item['Price.'];"

My Botched Version:

=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
  &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode,"

Tried the lookup name in workbook epslook:deActTime and episode:deActTime.

Where am I going wrong?

Sorry to redirect you again

You are now asking in the Generic StackOverflow Forum

https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/ is a whole dedicated Forum, and that is the place where people expect SharePoint questions; I would never have seen this question had you not mailed me the link.

As for your problem, these code bits inside a Formula are very very very hard to debug. You have to build them step by step

Disclaimer: I have not tried the code below, so there could be typos!!


=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode,"
    &"    item=ctx.ListData.Row[TR.rowIndex-1];"

This should work, if not.. Houston we have a problem

The console should now get you the exact name of the variable you are after


=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode,"
    &"    item=ctx.ListData.Row[TR.rowIndex-1];"


Now note that in your version your JavaScript is wrong. You are mixing declarations and statements because of improper , and ; use

So we simplify (and write longer code) to try and prevent mistakes (note the , became a ;)

=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;"
    &"var item=ctx.ListData.Row[TR.rowIndex-1];"


So (if the item key is correct) this should work:

=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;"
    &"var item=ctx.ListData.Row[TR.rowIndex-1];"
    &"var deact=item.epslook_x003a_DeActTime;"

Where you had written: ( You are trying to declare a console statement as a variable )

=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode,"


Once you know it works.. you can.. carefully!!!.. make the code smaller

=" <img src=""/_layouts/images/blank.gif"" onload=""{"
    &"var TR=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;"

Also note there are more SharePoint helper functions.

I have added the ICC text-tag to all interesting StackExchange Answers that use this HTML/JS in a Calculated Column:


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