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How to set placeHolder in knockout-kendo multiselect

How to set placeHolder (optionCaption in the select) in knockout-kendo multiselect


<select data-bind="kendoMultiSelect: { data: doc, value: selecteddoc}"></select>

Seems you already know about optionsCaption in the classic Knockout way. Kendo-ui doesn't provide a placeholder apparently.

What you can try is to add an extra first value, and hide it on open. $dropdownElement.getKendoDropDownList().list.find("li.item").first().hide();

// Classic knockout way just in case
<select data-bind="options: optionsArray, optionsCaption: 'My Caption placeholder ... ', selectedOptions: SelectedOptionsArray" size="5" multiple="true" multiple></select>

Otherwise you can always refer to this.
Is there a way to add a placeholder to a text field in KendoUI Grid?

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