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Swift + GIDSignIn - hasAuthInKeyChain returns true but currentUser is still nil after calling signInSilently

I'm attempting to integrate Google sign-in into my app. Right now, I'm able to successfully log in a user with a Google account and the app works as expected - I'm able to access currentUser , get some information from it, and fill my app's views with the information. The problem is that when I relaunch the app, I'm unable to get a GIDGoogleUser even after calling signInSilently . hasAuthInKeychain returns true, so I know that an auth token must exist in the keychain. I just can't figure out why currentUser still returns nil after signing a user back into the app. The code I've written is below:

    guard let signIn = GIDSignIn.sharedInstance() else { fatalError() }
    signIn.scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.stream.read", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login"]
    signIn.clientID = FIRApp.defaultApp()?.options.clientID
    signIn.delegate = self
    if signIn.hasAuthInKeychain() {

    if signIn.hasAuthInKeychain() || FBSDKAccessToken.current() != nil {

        var token = String()
        if let user = signIn.currentUser{
            token = user.userID
        } else{
            token = FBSDKAccessToken.current().userID

The app tries to sign in silently since hasAuthInKeychain returns true. But it skips past the if let statement because currentUser is nil and goes directly into trying to find a FBSDKAccessToken . I've tried all the suggestions I've found including setting the sign-in scopes. Am I missing something?

I had a similar issue. First I thought it was a timing issue. By invoking signIn.signInSilently() after fully loading the root viewController it did work. I am now 99% sure I solved it by executing signIn.signInSilently() on the main thread through:

DispatchQueue.main.async {

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