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Rewrite rule based on QUERY_STRING

I am trying to redirect the url

www.mydomain.com/index.php?route=first/second to www.mydomain.com/second I have tried the following rules but none seem to work

   RewriteEngine On
1) RewriteRule ^index.php?route=first/second$ /second [R=301,L]
2) RewriteRule ^index.php?route=first/second$ www.mydomain.com/second [R=301,L]
3) Redirect ^index.php?route=first/second /second/
4) Redirect ^index.php?route=first/second www.mydomain.com/second/
5) Redirect ^www.mydomain.com/index.php?route=first/second /second/
6) Redirect ^www.mydomain.com/index.php?route=first/second www.mydomain.com/second/

However the below rule works: RewriteRule ^second$ /index.php?route=first/second [R=301,L] but point 1 and 2 above does not work

Is there any solution to this?

确保在任何规则之前都将RewriteEngine On

Make sure: index.php exists, else for that we have to set some condition for file existence as well like RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} route=first/second
RewriteRule .* /second? [R,L]

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