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How to sort documents depending on the sort of populated reference in MongoDB Mongoose?

I'm new in MongoDB Mongoose and I don't know if it is possible to get shops sorted on their location. I tried this query

    .populate({path:'shopLocationId',match:{loc:{$nearSphere:{$geometry:{type:'Point',coordinates:[50,55]}}}},select:'loc -_id'})
.exec(function (err,shops) {
        if (err)
            throw err


but I get the wrong result only shops without sort.

var ShopSchema = new Schema({
    shopName: {type: String},
    shopLocationId: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'location'}
var LocationSchema = new Schema({
    loc:{type: Schema.Types,`enter code here`
        coordinates :[ Number]},
    locationName:{ type: String

您可以添加排序作为选项: .populate(..., options: { sort: { 'fieldToSort': 'descending' } })

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