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Printing text on the webpage using PHP/AJAX/HTML

I have the following simple Form

<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="button" value="Generate Numbers" onclick="on_callPhp1()"/>

And this javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
function on_callPhp()
    var result = "<?php php_func1();?>";
    return false;

and this PHP Script

function php_func1()
    echo "Hello PHP";

The above works perfectly, and whenever I press the button, I can see the Alert of the PHP. However, I do not want the alert to be seen, instead, I want the Hello PHP text be written on the page. For that I tried, to remove the alert(result); and instead put echo (result); but it did not work and nothing shows.

I want the text to appear in the body of the page.

Mainly, I will be putting a for loop and generate random numbers inside php_func1() and I want them to appear under the buttons. e

Any ideas?

What you're immediately looking to do is as simple as the following I suppose:

<form action="" method="POST">
  <input type="button" value="Generate Numbers" onclick="on_callPhp()"/>
<div id="phptext"></div>


<script type="text/javascript">
  function on_callPhp()
      var result = "<?php php_func1();?>";

      document.getElementById('phptext').innerHTML = result;

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