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count distinct value in django model field

Hi I have a django model which has two field 'date' and 'result'.

|date                                     | result |  
|2017-03-27                               | passed | 
|2017-03-27                               | passed | 
|2017-03-27                               | passed | 
|2017-03-27                               | failed |
|2017-03-27                               | failed | 
|2017-03-26                               | passed |
|2017-03-26                               | failed |

I need to count the value of result following way

date 2017-03-27 passed=3 and failed=2

One of the probable solution is following


I am using above command in the django chartit in order to draw pie chart to show total number of passed and failed value.


def chart(request):
    resultdata = DataPool(
            [{'options': {
               'source': Results.objects.filter(date=date.today()).values('result').annotate(passed=Count('result'))},
    cht = Chart(
            datasource = resultdata,
            series_options =
                  'type': 'pie','stacking': False,
            chart_options =
              {'title': {
                   'text': 'Result of test cases'},

But it assign the count value both to "passed" variable.I need to show in two separate variable passed and failed. How can I separate the value?

Results.objects.filter(date=date.today()).values('result').annotate(passed=Count('result'), failed=Count('result'))

给出两个注释,返回的QuerySet将具有两个dict,其中包括“ passed”和“ failed”

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