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Script inclusion in index.html on Vue.js application gives 404

My application has been simply generated by running this command:

vue init webpack

The template application has only vue-router installed by answering "Y" on the forth question of the wizard.

I want to include jquery from node_modules folder:

npm install --save jquery

then I add this

    <script src="node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>

on the index.html page.

Next step:

npm run dev

application starts up correctly but I got 404 on jquery.js .

I had never touched anything in the whole application except for that line in index.html .

We have the same problem in a bigger application but we had no idea if we could reproduce on a smaller one... but we managed to do it.

you have to import it in your component. webpack manage the dependencies.

If you have used vue init webpack you are also using vue-loader so for adding jquery to the Hallo component you can do like this

first as you have already done npm install --save jquery

After that open the file App.vue and in the section add the import:

import Hello from './components/Hello'
import jquery from 'jquery'

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {

Not sure is what are you looking for but this is how you can add a 3rd party lib

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