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codeigniter array session issue after move site one server(godaddy) to another server(bluehost)

There is issue in session. This is my array.


           [useremail] => myid@gmail.com
           [user_id] => 1
           [is_login] => 1

I want to get the useremail . so I am writing this code.


It gives the error . Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '['

If I am writing the code like this :

$dataval = $this->session->userdata("user_data");


Then it it working fine .

Please help me what is issue ?

It is because you (probably) moved from newer php version (5.4+) to older version (5.2). Accessing array items directly by calling function name is only available on php 5.4 and newer: array dereferencing .

Only solution is to use temporary variable (like your $dataval ). Or you can switch to newere php version, if the bluehost allows it.

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