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Laravel Eloquent limit results for relationship

I have a simple set-up of Albums and Images, each album has many images. I can get all the data fine but I want to limit the returned number of images to 3. I have tried passing a closure like so:

Album::with(['images' =>  function($query) { $query->take(3);}])->get();

This does limit the number of images to 3 but it limits the total count of images to 3 but I want to limit each album to 3 images. So the first album will show 3 images as expected but all the other albums have no images.

I have tried adding a new method to my model like so:

public function limitImages()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Image')->limit(3);

And I call this in my controller:


But this doesn't limit the image count returned at all

I feel you'd quickly run into an N+1 issue trying to accomplish this. Just do it in the collection that it returns:

Album::with('images')->get()->map(function($album) {
    $album->setRelation('images', $album->images->take(3));
    return $album;

如果发现这个: https : //github.com/staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit修复原生行为

The accepted answer is very inefficient because it fetches all related items and then filters them afterwards. It's much better to do the limiting in the DB query, like this:

Album::with(['images' => function ($query) {

Make sure you get those square brackets right!

the take() eloquent method just adds 'limit' word at the end of the query. this type of query is more complex and isn't supported by vanilla eloquent.

fortunately, there is an additional package called eloquent-eager-limit , which helps with this problem. in order to make it work, install that package by using composer require staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit command and put use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit; line inside both parent and children model classes.

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