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Python: Read CSV file and write to another text file

I have this .csv file ...


If the opt-in value is empty, its should print "0". The last value in csv should print first , and then all the name, value pairs in a specific format, like shown in the expected output file below.

My expected output


My code so far ..

import csv

with open('newfilename.csv', 'w') as f2:
    with open('mycsvfile.csv', mode='r') as infile:
        reader = csv.reader(infile)
        for i,rows in enumerate(reader):
            if i == 0:
               header = rows 
                if rows[5] == '':
                   rows[5] = 0;
                pat = rows[0]+'\t'+'''"%s"="%%s",'''*(len(header)-2)+'''"%s"="%%s"‌​\n'''
                print pat
                f2.write(pat % tuple(header[1:]) % tuple(rows[1:]))

This code produces this output

1   "first_name"="Jimmy","last_name"="Reyes","email"="jreyes0@macromedia.com","date"="12/29/2016","opt-in"="FALSE","unique_code"="ASD34R"‌​
2   "first_name"="Doris","last_name"="Wood","email"="dwood1@1und1.de","date"="04/22/2016","opt-in"="0","unique_code"="SDS56N"

As you can see column "id" is missing, and I want unque_code at first place.

I will really appreciate any help/ideas/pointers.


You could just modify the way you enter your list in the file like this:

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import csv

with open('newfilename.csv', 'w') as f2:
    with open('mycsvfile.csv', mode='r') as infile:
        reader = list(csv.reader(infile))  # load the whole file as a list
        header = reader[0]  # the first line is your header
        for row in reader[1:]:  # content is all the other lines
            if row[5] == '':
                row[5] = 0
            line = row[-1]+'\t'  # adding the unique code
            for j, e in enumerate(row[:-2]):
                line += '"'+header[j]+'"="'+e+'",'  # adding elements in order
            f2.write(line[:-1]+'\n')  # writing line without last comma

I modified a little bit the way you get the header, in order to avoid an unnecessary test for all the lines.

If your file is really big and/or you don't want to load it entirely in memory, you could modify to:

reader = csv.reader(infile)  # no conversion to list
header = next(reader)  # get first line
for row in reader:  # continue to read one line per loop

You should process separately the header line, and then correctly process each line. You code could become:

with open('newfilename.csv', 'w') as f2:
    with open('mycsvfile.csv', mode='r') as infile:
        reader = csv.reader(infile)
        header = next(reader)  # store the headers and advance reader pointer
        for rows in reader:
            if rows[5]=="": rows[5] = "0"  # special processing for 6th field
            # uses last field here
            pat = rows[-1]+'\t'+'''"%s"="%%s",'''*(len(header)-2)+'''"%s"="%%s"‌​\n'''
            # process everything except last field
            fd2.write((pat % tuple(header[:-1])) % tuple(rows[:-1]))

No need to load the whole file in memory...

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