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Django - Tag inside a Template tag

So I'm using the django-jcrop plugin to crop an image. Inside my HTML file I have this line:

<img src="{% cropped_thumbnail order 'cropping' max_size='{{ ratio }}' %}">

When this is passed, I get the following error:

TemplateSyntaxError: max_size must match INTxINT

{{ ratio }} is passed correctly outside of the tag, and gives the correct intended value, 400x400. When I remove the single quotes from the max_size='{{ ratio }}' I then get the following error:

TemplateSyntaxError: Could not parse the remainder: '{{' from '{{'

So I am pretty sure ratio is not parsing correctly within the tag. Any ideas why?


<img src="{% cropped_thumbnail order 'cropping' max_size=ratio %}">

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