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How to know if UWF is enabled or disabled

How do I know if the UWF is enabled or disabled? I'm making an application with C # so I need to know for that language.

Thank you

There are few things to keep in mind when considering whether UWF is enabled or disabled:

  1. Protection is not enabled when UWF is enabled, you need to exlicitly turn it ON by making use of Protect method in UWF_Volume class.
  2. A system reboot is required after enabling or disabling of UWF in order to apply the changes. UWF_Filter class provides methods for enable/disable and for performing reboot/shutdown of the system.

The C# code below demonstrates the use of CurrentEnabled property of UWF_Filter class:

public static bool IsEnabled()
            ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\standardcimv2\embedded");
            using (ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass(scope.Path.Path, "UWF_Filter",
                ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();

                foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
                    // Please make use of NextEnabled property in case you have enabled the UWF_Filter in the current session. 
                    //The value in CurrentEnabled is populated only when the UWF_Filter was enabled on system boot.
                    return (bool)mo.GetPropertyValue("CurrentEnabled");

        catch (Exception ex)
        return false;

Note/Request : Request someone with 1500 reputation to create and link following tags so that it becomes easier for people like me to request solutions/answer questions on stackoverflow.

  1. UWF

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