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React router v4 asynchronous route handling

Consider the following two routes

<Route path="/:username" component={Profile} />
<Route path="*" component={NotFound} />

I'm aware the path /:username would always match even for a user that does not exist so I am trying the following

  render={({ match }) => {
    return userExists(match.params.username) ?
      <Profile match={match} /> : <NotFound match={match} />;

userExists() being a function that returns true or false after making a call to the database to check if the user with the given username exists.

Am I handling this in the completely wrong way? It feels funny to have such a function in my route handler.

It's not wrong. What you are essentially doing is rendering a stateless functional component: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/components-and-props.html#functional-and-class-components

It depends on the overall structure and needs of your app whether or not this functional component should be defined in a separate file, but it's perfectly fine to conditionally return React elements in functional components.

To further illustrate the symmetry between functions and Components in React, consider the alternative approach in which you pass a function as the "component" param: (note the use of implicit return with arrow functions)

  component={({ match }) => userExists(match.params.username) ?
      <Profile match={match} /> : <NotFound match={match} />


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