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PHP Move_uploaded_file not moving my file to directory

I am making an image uploading feature for a program I am developing however I cant seem to get move_uploaded_file to actually move my file and I am not sure why.

I am receiving the form data as I can see the data when I use the print_r function print_r($_FILES)

My directory struct is as follows root->app->lib->uploadCode.php and root->app->images

I dont get any errors. I am running this on ubuntu 16.04 with php7 installed

Here is my code.

    $fname = $_FILES['newImage']['name'];
    $fext = explode(".",$fname);
    $sex = array("jpg", "jpeg", "JPG", "JPEG", "png", "PNG");//Supported extensions
    //Check if file extension supported
    $extRes = array_intersect($fext, $sex);//Checks to see if file uploaded extension exists in the supported extension array
    if(count($extRes) == 1)
        $name = $_FILES['newImage']['name'];
        $ext = end($fext);
        $tmp = $_FILES['newImage']['tmp_name'];
        $path = '/../images/';
        $newName = uniqid().".".$ext;
            echo "uploaded";
                echo "not uploaded";
                echo $path.$newName;

    elseif(count($extRes) > 1)
        {//More than just one file extension was found possibly something like image.png.jpg
            echo 02;
            {// Nothing was found so wrong file type was used
                echo 01;
    {//Do if no image was uploaded
        echo 00;


Either remove the opening slash from $path = '/../images/'; or set the full path, eg /home/username/images/ for example

It was a permission issue.

I had to do the following to my www/html directory.

sudo chown -R username:www-data /var/www/html/ sudo chmod 775 /var/www/html/ sudo chmod g+s /var/www/html Once I ran those commands I was able to upload

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