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Fastlane Gym - Temporary Build Directory

I have been using fastlane (2.24.0) gym for IOS builds (Xcode Command Line Tools xcode-select)

Is there a built-in method which I could use to ensure that I am building from a stable environment? I like to submit the build and use the time while it is building to carry on working.

I do not want to build from the git repository but from my own machine.

I could copy the directory either manually or in the fastfile script and build from there but I thought perhaps that there was a method or parameter I could use to avoid this step.

you mean that you want to keep on editing the source code while gym is building your app? - saddly i don't see any option to this, without copying the whole project folder.

if you just wan't to ensure the build fragments to not overlap you can use/set derived_data_path on gym

however there are a couple of issues on running xcode (building) - multiple times in parallel. the only sane way to build and carry on working is to offload the building/packaging process to any sort of CI.

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