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nodejs exec Wget command

I'm writing a nodejs application for download entire web sites using “wget” unix command, but I have a problem with some urls inside the downloaded pages, .html appeares at the end of the files eg

<img src=“images/photo.jpeg.html”> or <script src=“js/scripts.js.html”>

The code i'm using is the following:

    var util = require('util'),
    exec = require('child_process').exec,
    url = 'http://www.example.com/';
child = exec('wget --mirror -p --convert-links --html-extension -e robots=off -P /destination_folder/ ' + url,
  function (error, stdout, stderr) {
    console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
    console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);
    if (error !== null) {
      console.log('exec error: ' + error);

NB If i use this command (wget --mirror -p --html-extension --convert-links -e robots=off -P . http://www.example.com ) directly on the Unix shell it works correctly.

Edit : this is the log returned after running the nodejs script:

--2017-04-04 11:49:49--  http://www.example.com/css/style.min.css
Reusing existing connection to www.example.com:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 304 Not Modified
File ‘/destination_folder/www.example.com/css/style.min.css.html’ not modified on server. Omitting download.

FINISHED --2017-04-04 11:50:11--
Total wall clock time: 22s
Downloaded: 50 files, 1.2M in 1.4s (855 KB/s)
/destination_folder/www.example.com/css/style.min.css.html: No such file or directory
Converting links in /destination_folder/www.example.com/css/style.min.css.html... nothing to do.
exec error: Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded

I don't understand where is the problem, could you help me please?

Thank you

exec uses a buffer between stdout and sterr which is limited.

If the files to download are big the buffer may run out of space. Try using spawn intestad of exec . For your reference: Difference between spawn and exec of Node.js

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