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How do you concatenate two or images in pdf using Html2Canvas & JsPDF?

I am trying to wrap my head around HTML2Canvas' API but the documentation is extremely limited. The situation is that I am putting 2 or more div's (thier content) into a single PDF where each div represents a different page. Sounds easy right ? Not really. I have tried everything to make this work, but the asynchournous nature of JS is making this way harder than it has to be.

Here is what I have

     html2canvas($("#monthly_agg_report_container"), {

                onrendered: function(canvas)
                    var doc = new jsPDF('landscape', 'pt','a2');
                    var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");


                    doc.save('report.pdf')  ;

//another html2canvas doesnt work. PDF comes with a empty page. Because `doc` is out of scope 


This is the code that worked for me:

function generatePDF() {

    var doc = new jsPDF('landscape', 'pt','a2');

   html2canvas($("#monthly_agg_report_container"), {

            onrendered: function(canvas)

                var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");


            //  doc.save('report.pdf')  ;

                        html2canvas($("#descriptor_stats_container"), {

                            onrendered: function(canvas)
                                console.log('2nd doc '+doc); 
                                var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png", 1.0);


                                //doc.save('report.pdf')    ;

                                    html2canvas($("#alerts_stats_container"), {

                                    onrendered: function(canvas)
                                        console.log('2nd doc '+doc); 
                                        var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");


                                        doc.save('report.pdf')  ;



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