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Elasticsearch delete a document based on a field value

I am new to Elasticsearch and trying to figure out a way to delete a document that contains a field with timestamp as its value.

I have a document with a field called lastmodifiedtime . This field is of type long and is being used to store the timestamp (ie number of milliseconds since EPOCH. ex, 1486709502).

Now I have a usecase where I need to delete all the documents that are having lastmodifiedtime older than one day. So I find out the timstamp value corresponding to the one day older time and then try to delete the documents.

I tried REST call as below

DELETE http://localhost:9200/testindex/testtype/_query
"query": {
    "term" : {
        "lastmodifiedtime" : {
        "lte": 1486709504

But getting the following response:

    "found": false,
    "_index": "testindex",
    "_type": "testtype",
    "_id": "_query",
    "_version": 4,
    "result": "not_found",
        "total": 2,
        "successful": 1,
        "failed": 0

Could you please help me how to deal with this scenario?

you can use delete_by query api

POST http://localhost:9200/testindex/testtype/_delete_by_query
  "query": {
    "range": {
      "lastmodifiedtime": {
        "lte": 1486709504


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