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pass parameter from pipeline middleware to factory class in zend expressive 2

I want to connect to different database according to URL. I try to set request attribute and get that attribute in *Factory.php .
I edit autoload/pipeline.php :


in Choose.php I implement process() like this:

public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, DelegateInterface $delegate)
    /** @var RouteResult $route */
    $route = $request->getAttribute(RouteResult::class);
    if ($route->getMatchedRouteName() == 'FirstRoute' or $route->getMatchedRouteName() == 'SecondRoute') {
        $request = $request->withAttribute('DB_NAME', $route->getMatchedParams()['param']);
    return $delegate->process($request);

The main problem is in *Factory.php I don't access to request.
Any try to access to Interop\\Http\\ServerMiddleware\\MiddlewareInterface or Psr\\Http\\Message\\ServerRequestInterface in *Factory.php raises same error.

Is there any way pass parameter from pipeline middleware to factory class?

If you use zend-servicemanager you can try this (just a theory, not tested):

Create 2 database factories in your config: 'db.connection.a' => DbFactoryA::class, 'db.connection.b' => DbFactoryB::class,

Then depending on the route, in Choose you load the connection you need and pass it to the container as the default connection. $db = $container->get('db.connection.a'); $container->setService('db.connection.default', $db);

And now in all following middleware you can grab the default connection.


As mentioned in the comments, this requires the container to be injected which is considered bad practice. How about you wrap the two in a common connection class and set the required from Choose :

class Connection
    private $connection;

     * @var ConnectionInterface
    private $db_a;

     * @var ConnectionInterface
    private $db_b;

    public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $a, ConnectionInterface $b)
        $this->db_a = $a;
        $this->db_b = $b;

    public function setConnection($connection)
        if ($connection === 'a') {
            $this->connection = $this->db_a;

        $this->connection = $this->db_b;

    public function getConnection()
        return $this->connection;

Or you can inject only the config and create the database connection that's really needed. Store it in a property for caching (like the container does).

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