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alert()/datalayer.push are different

I'm not very experienced so hopefully this is an easy question for one of you. I'm using google tag manager to track any time a span element is opened or closed on a word press site(or trying to at least). This is the relevant code and the problem.

<script type="text/javascript">

            eventAction: text

   var text = jQuery('span').click(function(){
     var t = jQuery(this).text();

This is triggered by any click that contains ac_title_class.

the html class im targeting follows

<span class="ac_title_class">
                            Purpose                         </span>

The problem is that this code send [object object] to google analytics instead of sending what the alert message says which is "/t/t/t/t/t/t/ Purpose /t/t/t/t/t"(that inst exactly what it says but close). I have tried countless different approaches and cant seem to figure it out. I greatly appreciate the help in advance. Note: "ac_title_class" is part of a plugin.

You can push the data layer with your data by passing variable name and its value for eg. dataLayer.push({'variable_name': 'variable_value'});

For now you check my code below

<script type="text/javascript">
var text = jQuery('span.ac_title_class').click(function(){
    var t = jQuery(this).text();
    dataLayer.push({eventAction: t });

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