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actionscript 2 to actionscript 3 my code

can someone help me to transform this code from as2 to as3?

For a simple circle, i want when i go with mouse cursor to right , the circle to rotate (don't need to move my mouse cursor but the circle still rotating)

I know that _root._xmouse goes t mouseX and this._rotation goes to this.DisplayObject.rotation

    this.xmouse = Math.min(908, Math.max(0, _root._xmouse));
    if (_root._xmouse > 0) 
        var offset = Stage.width / 2 - this.xmouse;
        this._rotation = this._rotation + offset / 2000;
    } else {
        this._rotation = this._rotation - 0.02;
    this._rotation = this._rotation % 180;

AS3 version:

stage.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, mouseOver );

function mouseOver( e: Event ) : void

    rota.mouseX == Math.min(908, Math.max(0, stage.mouseX));
    if (stage.mouseX > 0) 
        var offset = stage.stage.width / 2 - rota.mouseX;
        rota.rotation = rota.rotation + offset / 2000;
        rota.rotation = rota.rotation - 0.02;
    rota.rotation = rota.rotation % 180;

This should work :

var offset : int = 0; //declare the variable (integer)

//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoving );
rota.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoving );

function mouseMoving ( evt : Event ) : void
    rota.x = stage.mouseX; //Math.min(908, Math.max(0, stage.mouseX));

    if (stage.mouseX > 0) 
        offset = stage.stage.width / 2 - rota.mouseX;
        rota.rotation = rota.rotation + offset / 2000;
        rota.rotation = rota.rotation - 0.02;
    rota.rotation = rota.rotation % 180;

notes / tips :

  • Declare variables outside of functions where possible.

  • The evt in ( evt : Event ) is your target reference to whatever has the .addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE) attached to it. So if you want to move more than one thing, just give them all the same addEvent same like rota.addEvent... but as you can see the function moves only rota at present, so by changing code to using evt.rotation and evt.mouseX etc... the evt now makes it universal to anything listening to that mouseMoving function.

Edit (based on comments) :

The variable speed sets speed of rotation. For rotation set the direction by either -= or += .

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoving ); //Stage : for direction
rota.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mouseRotating); //Object : for spin/rotate

var prevX:int = 0;
var currX:int = 0;
var directX: int = 0; //will update to 1=Left or 2=Right

var speed : int = 7; //speed of rotation

function mouseMoving ( evt : Event ) : void
    prevX = currX; currX = stage.mouseX; 

    if (prevX > currX) { directX = 1; }  //moving = LEFT
    else if (prevX < currX) { directX = 2; } //moving = RIGHT
    //else { directX = 0;} //moving = NONE


function mouseRotating ( evt : Event ) : void
    evt.target.x = stage.mouseX; //follow mouse

    if ( directX == 1 ) { evt.currentTarget.rotation -= speed; }
    if ( directX == 2 ) { evt.currentTarget.rotation += speed; }


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