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trigger react dropzone with ref doesn't work

I'm implementing this library : https://github.com/felixrieseberg/React-Dropzone-Component

To trigger another component or element programmatically I can use ref but I got an error of photoUploadDropAreaElement is not a function using below code.

    this.photoUploadDropAreaElement.click(); // doesn't work?


render() {
        <div onClick={this.triggerUploadDialog.bind(this)}>
            <DropzoneComponent ref={dropArea => this.photoUploadDropAreaElement = dropArea} />

The result of DropzoneComponent look like this 在此处输入图片说明

What's wrong here? I just want to trigger a click to open the file dialog for user to select file to upload.

I'm using import * as Dropzone from 'react-dropzone'; via npm install react-dropzone --save-dev . Go here for the details.

This dropzone package allows you to, by default, click on the UI's dropzone to open the file dialog for user to select a file to upload.

Here is the code I used, which includes a 'Choose File' button as well as a 'Delete' button. *Note: multiple={false} disables the user's ability to choose multiple files. You can simply change it to true and the multiple file selection will be enabled.

import * as React from 'react';
import * as Dropzone from 'react-dropzone';

export interface FileUploadState { file: Array<File> }

export class FileUpload extends React.Component<{}, FileUploadState> {
    constructor(props: any) {
        this.state = {
            file: []

    onDrop(droppedFile: any) {
        if (droppedFile && droppedFile.preview) {
            file: droppedFile

    onDelete() {
            file: []

    render() {
        let dropzoneRef: any;
        return (
                    <Dropzone ref={(node) => { dropzoneRef = node; }} onDrop={this.onDrop.bind(this)} multiple={false}>
                        <div className="text-center">Drag and drop your file here, or click here to select file to upload.</div>
                    <button type="button" className="button primary" onClick={(e) => {
                        e.preventDefault(); // --> without this onClick fires 3 times
                        Choose File(s)
                    <button type="button" className="button alert" onClick={this.onDelete.bind(this)}>
                <hr />
                    <h2>File(s) to be uploaded: {this.state.file.length} </h2>
                            this.state.file.map(f => <li><code>{f.name}</code></li>)


Try like this. It's work for me

triggerUploadDialog () {


<div onClick={this.triggerUploadDialog.bind(this)}>
 <DropzoneComponent ref={dropArea => this.photoUploadDropAreaElement = dropArea} />

For anyone still looking, it looks like the library was updated to expose an open function.


You can use it this way via refs:

dropzoneRef: any;

onClickPickImage = () => {
  if (this.dropzoneRef) {

// When rendering your component, save a ref

  ref={(ref: any) => {
    this.dropzoneRef = ref;
  <div onClick={this.onClickPickImage}>Trigger manually</div>

My problem was NOT including the input element. When I did, it worked.

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