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Deploy MeteorJs app to Google App Engine

I've been trying to deploy a Meteor app to Google App Engine to no avail.

I've tried the following instructions -

All of which leave me with the same result - Error: Can't find npm module 'meteor-deque'

if I install the package manually in programs/server and try to deploy again I get - Error: Can't find npm module 'mongodb'

So I install mongodb manually and finally get Error: Cannot find module './entry.js'

Is there any one out there that has successfully deployed a meteor app on Google App Engine that can help me out?

I have successfully deployed meteor 1.4+ on GCP and AWS using mup by following the directions here .

here is a sample mup config I use /Users/dg/Projectname/.deployment/staging/mup.js The .deployment directory is next to .meteor and is hidden so it is not packaged and sent to the server with the rest of the app.

 module.exports = { servers: { one: { host: '', username: 'ubuntu', pem: '/Users/dg/.ssh/mypemfile.pem' } }, meteor: { name: 'appname', path: '../../', servers: { one: {} }, buildOptions: { serverOnly: true, }, env: { ROOT_URL: '', MONGO_URL: 'mongodb://localhost/appname' }, dockerImage: 'abernix/meteord:base', deployCheckWaitTime: 60 }, mongo: { oplog: true, port: 27017, servers: { one: {}, }, }, }; 

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