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Expose module bundled through Webpack

I am fairly new to using Webpack and I am trying to incorporate it into an existing e-commerce website. I have a simple class like so but I need to be able to access its methods within a script tag in the html. Currently I get undefined, what is the appropriate way to expose it to the entire app?

class Account {
    constructor() {
        this.transactions = [];

    deposit( amount, date ) {
            amount : amount,
            date   : date

export default Account;

import Account from './account';
const account = new Account();

What exactly is undefined? Please post your webpack.config.js and the package.json - the error might be located there.

In general, you have to export your functions or classes you want to use elsewhere and import it there.

export function deposit() {..}

import {deposit as depo} from "./path-to/account"

Have you tried one of the following?

modules.export = account;

const account = require('account.js');

I also recommend looking into the Webpack exports-loader to export a global variable.

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