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Flask Session not persistant in blueprint

I am using a blueprint to build a web application. I am having issue with sessions not being persistent. I can start the session but when I click a link the session is lost. What am I doing incorrectly? I am not using a database to login I am just hard coding. When I submit I do
session['username'] = me. On the page that I redirect to after the login it works. But when I click a link from that page, the session is lost. The
session['username'] is gone. I do have my secret key set as well. It is hard coded in my config file. In my admin folder I have a routes file with my login. The login works, but when I click a link to go to a different page the username is lost.

│   ├───templates
│   │   └───admin
│   └───__pycache__
│   └───__pycache__
│   ├───templates
│   │   └───site
│   └───__pycache__
│   ├───css
│   ├───fonts
│   ├───images
│   │   ├───media
│   │   ├───people
│   │   └───preview

Hello you can start using Flask-Login to handle your user authentication and session management, good things is with flask-login you wont have to worry about session management across your blueprints as it will automatically do that for you. I have been using it for my Blueprint applications for years now and it works perfectly for me.

Give it a read and I hope it helps you

This issue may occur when the SESSION_COOKIE_PATH (or APPLICATION_ROOT ) configuration values for your Flask app do not include the path that the Blueprint is set up to route for.

For example, if the APPLICATION_ROOT of your app is set up to be /pages , but your Blueprint is prefixed for /admin , the session cookie of the former won't be valid for the latter. Setting SESSION_COOKIE_PATH explicitly to / should do the trick, in this case.

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