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Scroll event on ExtJS Grid Panel?

I have a grid panel in ExtJS with scroll bars. I am trying to detect when the user has scrolled all the way down(so that they can not move bar anymore). So far I have this, which detects when scroll occurs but provides no information(?) about where the scroll bar is.

//bufferedGrid is a grid panel
this.randomGrid.getView().on('scroll', this.onRandomGridScroll, this);
onRandomGridScroll : function(e, t)


Any pointers would be appreciated.

You can access the current scroll bar position(actually, the top of the scroll bar) and the maximum scroll position as follows( works in Firefox but not Chrome ):

onBufferedGridScroll : function(e, t)
        var max = this.bufferedGrid.getView().el.dom.scrollTopMax;
        var current = this.bufferedGrid.getView().el.dom.scrollTop;
        if( current == max )
            alert('You have reached the bottom of the scroll !');

Add event on init After grid is rendered add a mouseup event and a wheel down event.

'container #gridId':{ afterrender: this.addScrollEventListener }

addScrollEventListener: function(comp){
    comp.getTargetEl().on('mouseup', function(e, t) {
        var height = comp.getTargetEl().getHeight();
        if (height + t.scrollTop >= t.scrollHeight) {

    comp.getTargetEl().on('wheeldown', function(e, t) {
        var height = comp.getTargetEl().getHeight();
        if (height + t.scrollTop >= t.scrollHeight) {


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