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how to maintain state for a table in asp.net

i am trying to upload a csv file data to DB. the process is like :

i am extracting csv file data to DataTable.

validating DataTable fields . if all good , loading them into DB on button click.

i am generating invTable at below validation method by passing saved csv file path on validate button click.

protected void ValidateData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void ValidateCsv(string fileContent)

    DataTable getCSVData;
    getCSVData = GetData(fileContent);
    invTable= Validate(getCSVData);

if am loading it on BulkUpload_Click, invTable is null. ideally it should have data , as assinged in ValidateCsv method.

  protected void BulkUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

any idea how to maintain invTable data across postback?

Change your ValidateCsv to a function.

private DataTable ValidateCsv(string fileContent)

    DataTable getCSVData;
    getCSVData = GetData(fileContent);
    invTable = Validate(getCSVData);

    return invTable;

Then on your MatchedRecords , modify it to accept a DataTable parameter.

private void MatchedRecords(DataTable invTable) {


Then on your BulkUpload_Click event, reference to the ValidateCsv , now a function that returns the value of your DataTable to the MatchedRecords void.

protected void BulkUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MatchedRecords(ValidateCsv('enter how you get the fileContent here...'));


protected void BulkUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DataTable valueTable = ValidateCsv('enter how you get the fileContent here...');

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