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How to put icon in placeholder in Angular Material?

I'm trying to put icon in placeholder. I tried this code:

<md-input name="name">
      <i class="material-icons app-input-icon">face</i> Name

It was working (was showing icon with placeholder) before I reinstalled angular material and updated the angular cli. For this code browser is giving this error now: "'md-input' is not a known element".

then I tried this code:

    <input mdInput placeholder="Name" name="name2">

It is working properly but How can I put 'face' icon in its placeholder ?

Your problem was not the md-placeholder tag. Just like the error said, it was md-input which was deprecated. Angular Material recently changed his md-input tag into a mdInput directive.

But the md-placeholder is still working (not sure if it will last though).

The following code should work then :

        <md-icon>face</md-icon> Name
    <input mdInput name="name">

An alternative is to use the mdPrefix or mdSuffix directives to your md-icon tag. That will display your icon on the left or right of your input, but it won't follow the placeholder when you click on it.

Example :

    <md-icon mdPrefix>face</md-icon>
    <input mdInput placeholder="Name" name="name">

Check the API reference for more informations.

Angular 6

.example-full-width {
  width: 100%;
<mat-form-field  class="example-full-width">
 <mat-icon matPrefix>email</mat-icon>
  <input matInput
   placeholder="Your Email"

mat-suffix didn't work for me either. Keeping up with their docs is always a chore, but as of 5.1.1 this should work:

<mat-form-field class="example-form-field">
  <input matInput type="text" placeholder="Clearable input" [(ngModel)]="value"/>
  <button mat-button *ngIf="value" matSuffix mat-icon-button aria-label="Clear" (click)="value=''">

Source: "Input with a clear button" example here: https://material.angular.io/components/input/examples

    <mat-toolbar class="table-search">
        <span class="fileter-width"><mat-form-field>
                    <input matInput [(ngModel)] = "value"  placeholder="Search">
                    <button mat-button class="remove-search" matSuffix  mat-icon-button aria-label="Clear" (click) = "value=''">
                        <i class="fa fa-remove"> </i>

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