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How should I write my this.props.function in Swipeout`s props onPress

I know I can write a function in Swipeout like this

var swipeButton = [{
    onPress: function(){ alert('button pressed') }

But I have a function named removeItem , it gets a rowID from ListView. I think, maybe I can write in onPress like this:

onPress: () => this.props.removeItem(rowID)

The props removeItem has been transmitted to the component which includes the 'Swipeout' part. But it did not work, so I want to know how I should correct my code.

When using arrow functions, the this keyword doesn't work like you'd expect from normal functions. It points to the context of the lexical scope. This should work:

onPress: function () { this.props.removeItem(rowID) }

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