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Swift + Xcode: use osascript in Mac App

I want to ask if you can use osascript in swift/xcode when designing a Mac (Sierra) app. So I've basically just built an empty app using Xcode and swift.

I would now like to use osascript to launch another app using osascript (preferred).

So I've linked my button to ViewController.swift file.

@IBAction func launchApp(_ sender: NSButton) {
    let path = "/usr/bin/env"
    let arguments = ["osascript -e 'tell app \"iTunes\" to activate'"]
    let task = Process.launchedProcess(launchPath: path, arguments: arguments)

But I get this error:

 env: osascript -e 'tell app "iTunes" to activate': No such file or directory

I've also tried using path as /usr/bin/osascript and bash.

Some guidance on this would be great! Thanks :)

Don't use OSAScript on Cocoa level, use NSAppleScript

let script = NSAppleScript(source: "activate application \"iTunes\"")!
var errorDict : NSDictionary?
if errorDict != nil { print(errorDict!) }

If the application is sandboxed you need to add appropriate entitlements.

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