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How to monitoring MQPUT and MQGET?

I want to monitoring the message of queue, how much producer message put and how much client has get message? i saw in MQ Explorer and IBM MQ Web Console but it's just queue depth there is no queue message transaction put and get.

You need to either write your own MQ Monitoring tool or buy one (or use an open source one). You can find a list of open source and commercial MQ Monitoring tools here .

It's "MQ Exit Programing". here is official util


To monitor the total MQGET/MQPUT operations on MQ QMGR for specific queues, we can use amqsrua command by specifying the queue name.

**The usage of the command is as below:**

amqsrua [-m QMGR-NAME] [-c CLASS-NAME]
     [-o object name] [-t TYPE-NAME]
     [-p metadata prefix]
     [-n publication count]

* To get MQGET Counts:
  amqsrua -m <QMGR Name> -c STATQ -t GET -o <Queue Name> -n1 

* To get MQPUT Counts:
  amqsrua -m <QMGR Name> -c STATQ -t PUT -o <Queue Name> -n1 

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