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MongoDB find then update - PHP

I have a document that looks like

  _id: ObjectId("someId"),
  recipients: [
      email: "emailaddress"
      email: "email2"

I am trying to update the first recipient object, and add another property but to no avail.

  _id: ObjectId("someId"),
  recipients: [
      email: "emailaddress",
      new_prop: "something"

Is there a way to do this with findOneAndUpdate? I am using PHP

I did some research. I'm new to MongoDB so I'm relying on my fellow developers to validate this code. I'm thinking this will do the trick:

$mongoID = new MongoID('yourID');
$newdata = array('$set' => array("recipients.0.new_prop" => "Something"));
$collection->update(array("_id" => $mongoID), $newdata);

It might help to visit this page: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/set/

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