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How to get google drive folders path

I have authenticated for google drive using passport js

Now I have access token

So I am looking for to get all folders path with their respective folder Id.

I am not aware what parameters need to set to get only folders path and folder id

I am using google-drive library for fetching lists

Here is my code

var googleDrive = require('google-drive')
 var param={}
 googleDrive(accessToken).files().list(params, (err, response, body) => {
                       //fetch folders path


Try changing

var param={}


var param={q: "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and trashed=false"}

With all due respect to the authors of the library you are using, be very careful. Either a library deal with all of Drive's subtleties (eg. following nextPageTokens) or it will cause you problems. The Drive REST API is a very well formed API, and you could just as easily access it using Fetch, which, being Promise based, makes for much cleaner code and allows you to use async await .

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