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Cannot read property 'engine' of undefined - Webpack React

I try to learn React.JS, by typing "webpack" command, i found this error :

Hash: 04008667f996e5267ae1 Version: webpack 1.14.0 Time: 580ms + 2 hidden modules

ERROR in ./public/assets/react-source/catalog-app.js Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'engine' of undefined at load (/var/www/html/web/node_modules/transform/index.js:33:18) at Object.transform (/var/www/html/web/node_modules/transform/index.js:19:3)

ERROR in ./public/assets/react-source/catalog-custom-item-app.js Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'engine' of undefined at load (/var/www/html/web/node_modules/transform/index.js:33:18) at Object.transform (/var/www/html/web/node_modules/transform/index.js:19:3)

Anyone can help pls ? Already installed react-engine. My react app running well before.

Problem solved by typing this command :

npm install transform 


npm install

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