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How to do a loop in a loop and save it in a table in r

The problem is: If a teacher makes a bet with his class of 35 people "how many people have the same birthday?". If he loses the bet he pays $2, if he wins the bet, he gets $1. He did this bet 1137 times. So, I did a loop to represent this. Now, I want to repeat this test 1000 times and save it in a vector or table, so I can then run an inferential test on it. How do I repeat the loop?


exact=c(seq(1:365), seq(1:365), seq(1:365), seq(1:366))  
for(i in 1:1137){  
  class=sample(exact, size = 35, replace = TRUE)  
if (hmmm > 0) smithbucks = smithbucks +1  
else smithbucks = smithbucks -2}  


Lots of ways to do it. One simple way is to put it inside a sapply loop as such:

results <- sapply(1:1000, function(i) {
    exact=c(seq(1:365), seq(1:365), seq(1:365), seq(1:366))  
    for(i in 1:1137){  
      class=sample(exact, size = 35, replace = TRUE)  
    if (hmmm > 0) smithbucks = smithbucks +1  
    else smithbucks = smithbucks -2}

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