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How to listen to all mobile events in angular

I'm trying to listen to all mobile events like touch, swipe etc. I've added eventListener on document level.:

document.addEventListener('tap', trackTouchActivity, false);
document.addEventListener('swipe', trackTouchActivity, false);

function trackTouchActivity(event) {
    // any activity

This works only on the first page of the angular app but doesn't work on other pages/controller of the app.

I also tried adding the code in $rootScope

  document.addEventListener('swipe', trackTouchActivity, false);
  document.addEventListener('tap', trackTouchActivity, false);

  function trackTouchActivity(event) {
        // any activity
        // some variable = true

I'm new to angular and may be I'm doing something wrong. How do I achieve the functionality of event listening throughout the app?

To listen to touch(start) on Component X:

host: {
'(document:touchstart)': 'onClick($event)',

class SomeComponent() {
constructor(private _eref: ElementRef) { }

onClick(event) {
if (!this._eref.nativeElement.contains(event.target)) 

For the other events I suggest using NgTouch , you will be able to listen to any other mobile behavior with this package.

Good Luck!

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