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laravel : Not able to pass parameters to trait

I created a trait in MailTrait.php, the following is my code

namespace App\Traits;
use Mail;
trait MailTrait

    public function fn_send_mail($arr_recepients, $str_subject, $str_content)
        Mail::send('mail.mailsample', ['content' => $str_content], function($message)
            $message->from('abc.org', 'abc');

        if(Mail:: failures())
            return false;
            return true;


from my controller called the function fn_send_mail() and passed parameter as below $status = $this->fn_send_mail(['123.gmail.com'],'hai', 'hai');

i am getting this error ErrorException in MailTrait.php line 14: Undefined variable: arr_recepients please help me!!

You should pass the $arr_recepients to the callback-block

Mail::send('mail.mailsample', ['content' => $str_content], function($message) use ($arr_recepients, $str_subject)
      $message->from('abc.org', 'abc');

The 3rd argument to Mail::send is a closure, and it doesn't have $arr_recepients in scope, nor the subject. You need to use the use . Try this

Mail::send('mail.mailsample', ['content' => $str_content], function($message) use ($arr_recepients, $str_subject)
    { //...

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